What does the Quran says about Polygamy

What does the Quran says about Polygamy

What does the Quran says about Polygamy?

Polygamy in Islam is characterized by others in numerous word references as: “Any person (male or female) may unconditionally wed unlimited number spouses at the same time.

It should be clarified that polygamy is permitted in Islam just as a special case. It is concisely so expressed in the Glorious Quran (which means): “And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice]” [Quran 4:3]

Above verse implies a male or female may wed countless number of spouses at the same time.

In different cultures, and faiths, a male may wed an unlimited number of spouses at a same time, under any circumstances, unrestricted by any conditions. Such practices are completely prohibited in Islam.

In Islam, a Muslim man is allowed to marry one spouse, in the midst of a few clear conditions. These conditions are:

  • Financial
  • Physical and enthusiastic capacity
  • Equal treatment of the spouses
  • Women who aren’t among those that are prohibited (for example, aunts, foster daughters et al. spread out in the Qur’an) or briefly, (for example, wedding two sisters at the same time)

Polygamy in Islam when Islam grants

This is the only verse in the Glorious Quran that discusses polygamy and it is obvious that it doesn’t order polygamy; it just allows it limited by specific conditions. To begin with, polygamy is permitted allowable by and large, yet it turns out to be more prescribed just when there are orphans to be cared for by an uncle or a family member, that relative may wed the mother of these orphans if he feels that he feels that he can’t ddo them justice unless he is bound by marriage to their mother.

At the point when Islam grants polygamy, it saves a lady’s pride and humanity and cares about the social good and monetary prosperity of orphans. A similar standard applies when the number of women exceeds that of men in the society. This would lead to moral depravity, which compromises the very essence of civilization.

As opposed to debasing women or belittling their status in the society as certain feminists claim, Islam perceives the situation of women to be fair to that of man with regards to worship and responsibility Allah Almighty Says (what means): “And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer – those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed”. [Quran 4:124]

At times, polygamy is a practical solution and a superior other option. At the point when a man’s wife suffers from chronic sickness and neglects to react to her significant other’s physical needs, Islam offers two other options: divorce or polygamy. Numerous wives would praise the subsequent other option, as it saves them the humiliation of being without any means of income, especially if they have no jobs to support themselves.

Relationship destroying and harming to the family strictly prohibited

Thus, this is frequently a lawful provision which will be appropriately perceived inside the context of Islam’s position on these issues:

First, in Islam, the family is considered the foundation of society; any extra-conjugal relationship destroying and harming to the family and hence it’s strictly prohibited. Married life is most desirable in Islam, Islam imagines the function of a woman as a respected, honorable spouse, not a mystery paramour; while allocating to men the part of respected, responsible husbands, never indulging secretly affairs.

Second, Islam and its law is for all occasions and for all circumstances and situations, in this manner, they have to oblige all conceivable social and individual situations.

Third, in Islam, each Muslim man should have a spouse and every Muslim woman should have a husband.

Despite the fact that it will be mishandled in specific occasions and places, Polygamy in Islam can have a significant capacity in specific conditions; in certain circumstances it will be considered on the grounds that lesser of two difficult situations, and in others it’s going to be even a beneficial arrangement.

The evident case of this occurs in the midst of war, when there are unavoidably enormous quantities of widows and orphans left without companionship, love, income, care or protection.

From these verses, a various of facts are evident:

  • This permission isn’t just connected with simple fulfillment of enthusiasm; rather it is related with sympathy toward widows and orphans – an issue that is confirmed by the conditions in which these verses were revealed.
  • Managing one’s wives is an obligation in Islam. This applies to housing, food, kind treatment, and so forth.; in other words that the husband has total obligation towards the entirety of his wives and their children with any discrimination.
  • If one is not sure of being able to deal justly with them, the Muslim man is encouraged to wed just only one wife.

Polygamy is much better and more honorable than the case where a man is secretly having an affair or engaged with prostitutes (infidelity).

The requirement of justice between wives precludes the dream that a man can have the same number of wives however he sees fit; additionally precludes the idea of an “optional” wife, for all wives have the very same status and are qualified to identical rights and claims over their husband.


The verses state “marry” – not buy, lure or select – since in Islam, marriage is a common agreement, which is legitimate just when the two parties consent to it. Along these lines no woman can be married forcibly or given to a man who is now married, except if she and her family agree, since there is no mystery marriage in Islam, polygamy is practiced as a free choice of the two parties.

It is clear that the authorization for Polygamy in Islam is consistent with the reasonable Islamic perspective, that remaining parts appropriate through changing social needs, issues and cultural variations for all time and in all places.

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